
Recover Faster From


Tendonitis / Tendinosis / Tendon Tears

Ligament Sprains & Tears


Muscle Pain

Muscle Strains & Tears

Growing Pains

Autoimmune Tissue Damage

Post-surgery Healing / Scar Tissue

Sports Injury

Post-COVID Symptoms

Cellular Dysfunction

Commonly Treated Conditions & Injuries

(Not Limited To This List!)


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Wound Healing

Sever’s Disease

Joint Pain

Gut Health / Intestinal Issues

Muscle Strains & Tears

Ligament Sprains & Tears


Post-Concussion Syndrome / Whiplash/ TBI

Plantar Fasciitis

Scar Tissue

Torn ACL/MCL/Meniscus

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Pinched Nerves

Shoulder Impingement

Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease

Mobility Issues

Low Back Pain

Sciatica / Piriformis Syndrome

Tennis / Golfer’s Elbow

Achilles Tendinitis

Ankle Sprains

C-section Scars

“First time in over a decade I was able to put my socks on without feeling pain. WOW. It’s working.”

Mark S. (39 years young)

“The laser and amazing laser therapists at Healios helped me heal from my emergency C-section and deal with other acute injuries so I could get back to doing the things I love like coaching, Crossfit and weight lifting.”

Nicole Z. (40 years young)

“Dacia & Kaitlyn - Thank you so much for making it possible for me to compete last week. You were the first people I called (because of the great results you helped me achieve last year with my Tendonitis and Sciatica recovery) when an injury sidelined me the week before an important ballroom competition. With just four laser session, I was back on the dance floor. You both (and the best laser in California) are amazing! Thank you!”

Zohreh (55 years young)